Pembroke Haven Yacht Club


Offshore Racing

Offshore race information

Please advise via the club racing WhatsApp of intention to take part in these races, so that items that are TBA (to be advised) can be co-ordinated.

Programme 2023

Skokholm Circuit  Saturday 27 May 2023

Start To be Advised for time and location, either Dale or PHYC

Skokholm Island TBA port or starboard

Finish To be Advised for location, either Dale or PHYC

For info:               Distance: 21nm (Dale-Dale)


Bagley Trophy  Sunday 23 July 2023

Start To be Advised for time and location, either Dale or PHYC

Skomer Head to starboard

Either, TBA:   Greenscar rock to starboard, Stack rocks to starboard

Or                  Stack rocks to port, Greenscar rock to port

Skomer head to port

Finish To be Advised for location, either Dale or PHYC

For info:        Distance: 40nm(Dale-Dale)


Greenscar rock (nr. Solva: 51,51.53N, 005,12.09W)

            Stack rocks (nr. Talbenny: 51,46.50N, 005,10.42W)


Grassholm Cup  Sunday 20 August 2023

Start To be Advised for time and location, either Dale or PHYC

Grassholm Island, port or starboard skippers choice

Finish To be Advised for location, either Dale or PHYC

For info:       Distance: 31nm(Dale-Dale)