Sunday 28th April 2013
The skipper thought it would be a jolly good idea if the boat was waiting for him in Padstow harbour when he got back from his holiday to Maderia. He had, with much husbandly persuasion, managed to get Jennie to pop him down to Padstow on the way back from Bristol airport. The obvious harbour between Bristol and East Williamston.
Anyway a motley crew consisting of the 3 stooges was assembled and sworn in to deliver Maelstrom safely to Padstow (missing any submerged rocks on the way). Much discussion was had on safety issues, supplies and command before Chris, Paul and Rob were hand picked for the job. Every one else apparently was busy.
Boat was fuelled and watered by Chris and Paul on Friday afternoon just in time to get to the club bar and liase with Rob on food and drink supplies. This is all going too smoothly we thought. Stilll, the plan was to meet at Hobbs Point at 6am on Sunday morning to enable a 7am getaway to catch the evening gate at Padstow. So amazingly, as planned, we were all there and finally left at 0625. What could possibly go wrong. Well almost nothing as it seems. Passed thro St Anne's head at 8am, passed a sleepy Autonomy over in Castle Bay. Motor sailed to Rat buoy then unfurled Doug's new genoa and started sailing. Turned off the engine (well Rob said have you seen the price of diesel these days) and had a very nice sail for 10 hours before the forcast Westerly going North Westerly 12-15knts actually went Southwesterly to Southerly 18-24knts so had to motor sail the last 2 hours in against the tide. Darn. Still can't complain cos we were in early, tied up and boat sorted ready for the Skippers arrival on Tuesday, Unusual for Maelstrom, and possibly cos the Skipper wasn't here to instil discipline, we wandered aimlessly about till we found somewhere warm to sit down and discuss the trip. Fortunately and completely unplanned the place we chose to get warm actually sold beer. Stroke of luck really. Hope the skipper doesn't find out about our slight lapse in discipline.
Saw lots of dolphins on the way but only in small groups. Still helps to pass the time and even old people like us enjoy seeing them. Well I have just about had enough of writing this now so gonna stop. Have just eaten my home made curry as supplied by Chris and desert of Pecan nut slice thingy, very tasty both of them were too. All washed down with some cheap Asda stubby beers. Night all.