Monday 29th April 2013
Good morning all and a glorious morning it is too. Sun is shining in between the clouds so the boat now resembles a huge washing line with all wet weather gear, various hats and towels getting dried. Breakfast is on courtesy of head chef Rob whilst Chris and I tighten the rigging a tad. Nothing major planned for today except some boat maintenance and possibly a lunch time pint. We will need to provision at some point because what we seem to have stocked up most on is Diesel and we haven't used much of that. Another breakfast of fruit juice and muesli with natural yogurt was rejected in favour of the full fry up, tea & toast. Damn nice it was too. Washing up all done and onto the greasing of all Maelstroms winches. Peter George from Milford is rafted outside us and made some comment on how generous it was for our skipper to let us do boat maintenance so that obvious boredom, until he arrived, could be avoided. We agreed, but did decline his reasonable offer of work on his boat to help us further pass our time. Instead it was noted by the ships clock that the sun had in fact managed to get itself over the yard arm, so not being a crew that wants to break any traditions we reluctantly dragged ourselves over to the Old Customs House for a pint. An afternoon power snooze was next on the agenda, then later I put the kettle on for tea and Welsh cakes. The sky is all blue and not a cloud in site this late afternoon, just a shame that the breeze and cold generally are keeping it not sun bathing but more coat type weather.
Next on the list is an evening meal possibly at the Custom House, as two years ago Chris and I had a fantastic rack of ribs which was just about all we could handle. Well that was a bit of a disappointment no ribs on menu. Darn. Still, was funny to watch the over zealous football fans watching Aston Villa and Sunderland. Don't suppose its anything like that when Wales are being supported down the club. Off for a quick one in the Golden Lion and then an early night. Got to be looking our best when the skipper arrives. Night all.