Friday 10th August.
Early start for the drive back to Glasgow. Picked up Ben at 6 then made our way to get Chris and Doug. Another one way hire courtesy of Europcar. Big thank you to David Silcox and his firm for all their help on our two journeys. Held up by 2 accidents on the motorway but not for too long thankfully. Arrived safely in Glasgow, dropped off car and taxi to Station to catch train to Oban. At station by 4pm and train not till 6-20pm so had a quick pint while we decided what to do to pass time. All of a sudden after much deliberation, and a couple more pints, oops and a meal, the time had suddenly passed so we got on train to Oban. Arrived at half 9 just in time to catch the awaiting ferry to the marina. Glad to see boat again and not too untidy but sleeping kit pretty mouldy, so sorted it as best we could, then off to marina bar to have a last pint before closing time. No whisky tonight as all very tired and mainly cos Chris forgot to bring our Tenby race prize. Early night for some much needed sleep. Night all.
Ben up early and off for a stroll but misjudged and ended up on a hike for 2 hours. Rest of us arose and settled down for a brew while waiting for Ben to return. Showers done then ferry to Oban to have some breakfast and get some shopping. Back to the boat early afternoon to start the job of getting boat ready to leave on Sunday. Rigging and mast done. Also reconnect all electrics for mast and refuel. Quick check of engine whilst the decks were washed and pillow cases cleaned and hung to dry. Been a busy afternoon so treated ourselves to welsh cakes with a cup oftea. Seem to have a huge supply of welsh cakes on this trip. Heading in to town to eat tonight before heading off tomorrow morning for Crinnan. Plan at the moment to try and complete trip as per the 1st attempt in June. Just need to avoid rocks. Very relaxing evening in Oban. At the Steakhouse before testing the beer in the Brewery bar and heading for the 11-10pm ferry back to the marina. There was a gentleman sleeping next to his beer bottle at the bottom of the slip way. We kept an eye on him till his wife turned up reassuring us that he was just very tired not drunk. Amazing how tiredness takes the use of your legs away. Good nightcap on boat with dice wins for Ben and Chris. Board game Sequence was a different story and by bedtime Doug and I had delivered a 3-1 defeat of Ben and Chris. Speaking of bedtime it's now 10 to 3 so best get some sleep as off sailing tomorrow. All looking forward to that. Night night.
Chris up like an old person at death O'clock. Kettle was on by 20 to 8 and the rest of us were wondering where the fire was. He is now cooking breakfast while we drink our morning cuppa and I write this. Giving 10-15 knot East South East winds today so should have a nice sail. Thought about diving under boat to check repair before leaving, but as no water coming in we have decided to trust in the skills of the shipwrights. Departed Oban marina at 11am and headed off towards the sound of Luing and past that "Darn Rock" . Gave the rock a very cautious berth although that didn't stop 4 pairs of eyes staring at it and maybe some under breath cursing. Had a cracking days sailing with full main and number 3 headsail. Wind anywhere from 14 to 25 knots giving a fetch for most of the day. Particularly breezy going thro the Dorus Mor(The big door), a tight channel between rocks on the approach to Crinan. Arrived safely in the Sea lock at Crinan by half 3. Went up to the local hotel and had evening meal in their Seafood Bar. Very nice too. Back on board now and it's only half nine. All fairly tired tonight so early night planned ready for trip through canal tomorrow. Very hard to find mobile signal here but have managed to get on broadband via BT Openzone. plan to head through canal tomorrow morning and stop at Tarbet tomorrow night. Bye for now.