Wow, after such a long sea crossing from Loctudy, which was all of 2 miles, we entered the River L’odet, on an incoming tide. The German couple, Peter and Ulrike went first in ‘Yoho’. We sailed past the township of Benodet and Saint Marine on the opposite bank and headed up river towards Quimper (Poldark country apparently). I’ve always called called Quimper, Quimper but Judith corrects me and with authority stating it is pronounced something like ‘Campair’. Who knows!
Yoho passing under the Bridge over the River L’Odet
On the River L’Odet there are some lovely chateaux with anchorages to the front. Unfortunately the French were there before us and had pinched all the good spots. We continued up river with the tide and rounded right and left handed bends, each one revealing another marvel the river presents us with in the form of stunning riverside properties and equally beautiful views.
Ok, there comes a time when you are taking a yacht up a river with 2 metres of keel hanging below you and a questionable depth of water. Discretion the better part etc, We decided to anchor near other boats in sight of Quimper (Campair). A restful night was enjoyed in the peacefulness of the river.
Our Anchorage for the Night
The next day, we used the tide and negotiated the river back downstream to a pontoon on Saint marine, tied up and found a local street market in the town. A vast array of fruit and veg on display, with carrots etc still covered in earth, and sand. Why do home grown vegetables taste so much nicer in France?
Judith’s brother and family, having enjoyed a holiday further South were on their way home via Roscoff. We provided a convenient stopping over point on the journey north. A family reunion was enjoyed by one and all with an very pleasant evening spent in a creperie catching up on family news and gossip.

Having bid farewell to Steve, Jo and Freddy we headed out to sea and set a heading for Isles de Glenan, some nine miles offshore. This archipelago of low lying islands are a mecca for French sailors, made famous by the World renowned sailing school ‘the centre Nautique des Glenans’, a company with bases on four of the main islands. Literally thousands of young students have either learnt to sail amongst the islands or enhanced their sailing skills. We anchored off St Nicholas in the company of some 50 other yachts on again a wonderful summers day (and French Holiday!)
The Anchorage by day
The Anchorage by night
Dinghy out and a hike ashore ensued. It was like being in the Caribbean apart from the temperature of the water – wet suits were needed!!

I think Judith and I were equally surprised to find that on this small island we found a fully occupied restaurant and bar. Not sure why we were surprised, it just looked so out of place. Another peaceful night on anchorage was had by one and all. No, not true, in the middle of the night the wind decided to dance a merry tune and turned a complete 180 degrees. No longer were the islands providing shelter from the wind. Instead an easterly wind give us a choppy sea and uncomfortable anchorage. Time to move on.