The next morning we awoke to le horrible weather with yet more wind and rain. We would have got soaked had we ventured in the dinghy up the river, and even then we would have had to traipse around the town in our oilies carrying our lifejackets.
Decision made, lets go into the marina. Judith called on the radio in her best French, which I must admit is good, very good. Judith is a product of Alice Otley school for females only, I have you know. Whilst I was busy learning Welsh and Nuffield science in school she was learning really useful stuff. Anyway I think she was relieved when Monsieur at the marina spoke English and we secured a berth at the marina. Engine on, anchor up and we proceeded to the comfort of the marina. The French guy at the marina also arranged for the weather to improve as we arrived, so all was good. The town of Treguier is again dominated by the cathedral in the centre Ville. (town centre). An unusual feature of said cathedral is a tall spire, made of wood and tiled at a very steep rake. Whether due to lack of funds when building but there were an awful lot of openings and holes in the spire, making the spire see through in various stages.

That evening the town erupted to the sound of music with two separate stages hosting an eclectic mix of bands all playing at the same time and with a certain degree of success I might add. When you have a brass band on stage that appeared to be like the blues brother coupled with another playing what looked like French bag pipes, playing with another band playing high pitched sqeally things you get part of the picture!!!!!! Le weather forecast for the following day was again poo, and a decision made to stay another night in Treguier marina.

Our walk around Trequier
The following day we wandered up into the town and sat down for coffee in a cafe in the main square and started talking to a very nice English couple who sailed on the yacht which was ‘parked’ in front of us in the marina. Well if you believe in co-incidents here they are. Whilst in Guernsey I took a photograph of a large rib type boat with four huge outboard engines which was on the hard in Saint Peter port. In the background is this couples 42 foot Southerly yacht undergoing repair. Co-incidence number 2 , Richard, the owner, worked as a commercial helicopter pilot and I was able to reel off a long list of persons I knew connected with Police aviation that Richard also knew. Co-incidence number 3 – When I mentioned the island of Shark, Richard stated that he used to work on Barque ???? as a relief pilot for the Barclay brothers helicopter (see previous posts) and that he trained as a pilot with a Mark Harrison who until recently was the estate manager on the island. As an addendum Richard has also worked for Beyonce and Jaycee I’ll have you know.
Another bid for escape was made early the next day!